  • If you believe you have experienced discriminatory, harassing (to include sexual harassment), or retaliatory conduct, please fill out the complaint form with as much detail as possible.

    * required information
  • Your information

  • (if you work for the City)
  • (if you work for the City)
  • The accused’s information

  • (if they work for the City)
  • Your complaint

    If you’ve experienced more than one occurrence, enter the date and location of the first occurrence below. Provide details about additional occurrences under Description of Complaint.
  • Please list the protected category(ies) that is the basis for filing this complaint. Can include: race, ethnicity, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, marital status, source of income, familial status, genetic information, or domestic or sexual violence victim status.
  • Please describe the occurrence in as much detail as possible. Include dates, times, locations, comments, gestures made, names of other persons directly involved, etc.
  • Please provide name and contact information of witness(es). Either email address or phone number.
  • Please explain what outcome you are seeking as a result of filing this complaint.
  • Agreement